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爱上海官网:Nippon Express (China) and Nippon Express (Shanghai) Awards Scholarships to Shanghai Maritime Univ. Students, Fostering Human Resource Development in Logistics Industry

Admin888 2025年01月17日 21 0

Nippon Express (China) and Nippon Express (Shanghai) Awards Scholarships to Shanghai Maritime Univ. Students, Fostering Human Resource Development in Logistics Industry

, /PRNewswire/ — Nippon Express () Co., Ltd. (hereinafter “NX China”) and Nippon Express () Co., Ltd. (hereinafter “NX Shanghai”), both group companies of NIPPON EXPRESS HOLDINGS, INC., held a scholarship award ceremony at Shanghai Maritime University on .爱上海官网

NX logo:


Founded in 1912, Shanghai Maritime University () is one of leading maritime universities in the development of forwarding management personnel, having been the first Chinese university to establish departments in transportation-related fields (transportation, shipping management, logistics management and transport engineering).上海新茶资源

NX China and NX Shanghai established a scholarship fund in and concluded a memorandum of understanding with to provide scholarships over a period of 10 years. This year was the ninth in which these scholarships were offered, and 10 students selected as scholarship recipients attended the award ceremony上海养生网. NX Shanghai President presented scholarship certificates to the students at the ceremony on behalf of the NX Group, after which a representative of the recipients handed Naono a bouquet of flowers with words of appreciation to the NX Group.

The NX Group remains positively committed to undertaking social contribution activities to help develop human resources capable of playing active roles in the logistics industry.上海品茶工作室

About the NX Group:

NX Group official website:

NX Group’s official LinkedIn account:


本文地址: http://ronglinyoujia.com/shxczy/18.html





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